


Product or product component designs are developed.


Product or product component designs should provide the appropriate content not only for implementation, but also for other phases of the product lifecycle such as modification, re-procurement, maintenance, sustainment, and installation. The design documentation provides a reference to support mutual understanding of the design by relevant stakeholders and supports future changes to the design both during development and in subsequent phases of the product lifecycle. A complete design description is documented in a technical data package that includes a full range of features and parameters including form, fit, function, interface, manufacturing process characteristics, and other parameters. Established organizational or project design standards (e.g., checklists, templates, object frameworks) form the basis for achieving a high degree of definition and completeness in design documentation.


  • <?>


  • <?>



Task Instructions:

Design the Product or Product Component

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible for establishing and maintaining criteria against which the design can be evaluated.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible for identifying, develop, or acquire the design methods appropriate for the product.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible for ensuring that the design adheres to applicable design standards and criteria.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for ensuring that the design adheres to allocated requirements.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for documenting the design.

Establish a Technical Data Package

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for determining the number of levels of design and the appropriate level of documentation for each design level.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for determining the views to be used to document the architecture.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for basing detailed design descriptions on the allocated product component requirements, architecture, and higher-level designs.  
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for documenting the design in the technical data package.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for documenting the key decisions make or defined, including their rationale.
    6. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for revising the technical data package as necessary.

Design Interfaces Using Criteria

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for defining interface criteria.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for identifying interfaces associated with other product components.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for identifying  interfaces associated with external items.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for identifying interfaces between product components and the product related lifecycle processes.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for applying the criteria to the interface design alternatives.
    6. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for documenting the selected interface designs and the rationale for the selection.

Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analysis

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for developing criteria for reuse of product component designs.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for developing criteria for analyzing designs to determine if product components should be developed, reused, or purchased.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from [?] is responsible  for developing criteria for analyzing implications for maintenance when considering purchased or non-development items.





    2. Using the Architecture Design Document Template, [the Project Architect] with support from [The Business Analyst] is responsible for Developing the high-level architecture.
      1. Using the Decision Analysis and Resolutions Process, [the Project Architect] is responsible for planning plan out the formal evaluation steps in making the decisions to choose the best possible solution. using the system views that are developed as specified below.

Develop Logical Data Model

      1. [the Project Architect] is responsible for Creating a logical data model for the system based on the architectural design decisions made thus far in the project.
      2. Using the Customer and Product Requirements Document, [the Data Architect] with support from [?] is responsible for facilitating and capturing the data requirements from the Customer and Product Requirements to develop the Logical Data Model.
      3. Using the Project Configuration Management, [the Data Architect] is responsible for checking in the system’s Logical Data Model into the Project Configuration Management repository.
      4. Using the Logical Data Model and Global Data Standards Documents  [the Data Architect] is responsible for Checking the logical data model into the corporate model.

Design Interfaces Using Criteria

Perform Make, Busy, or Reuse Analyses

Present to Architectural Review Committee

      1. Using the Architectural Design Document and the Logical Data Model, [the Project Architect] with support from the [Data Architect] is responsible for presenting the Architectural Design including the Logical Data Model to the Architectural Review Committee.
      2. Using the meeting minutes, [the Project architect] with support from the data architect is responsible for ensuring that the review feedback is captured in the meeting minutes.
      3. Using the Project Meeting Minutes, [the Project Manager] is responsible for ensuring that the issues identified are addressed effectively and resolved quickly.

Update Architecture Design Document

      1. Using the Architectural Design Document, [the Project Architect] is responsible for updating the Architectural Design Document based on the feedback received from the Architectural Review Committee.
      2. Using the Architectural Design Checklist, [the Project Architect] is responsible for completing all the sections of the Architectural Design Document and conducting a validation, and the Logical Data Model shall be attached to the Architectural Design Document in any inconsistency between the Design and Data Models shall be resolved.

Create IT Standards Bill of Material (BoM)

      1. Using the IT Standards Catalog and IT Standards Bill of Material (BoM), [the Project Manager], with support from IT Procurement, Business Analyst, and Project Architect is responsible for creating the IT Standards Bill of Material.
      2. Using the IT Standards Catalog, [the Project Manager], with support from IT Procurement, Business Analyst, and Project Architect is responsible for documenting hardware and software products to be used by the system.
      3. Using the IT Standards Change Request Form, [the Project Manager] is responsible for initiating a request for approval of the new components when existing IT Standards are not applicable as soon as they are identified to avoid schedule lags in obtaining approvals.
      4. Using the IT Standards Change Request Form, [the Project Manager] is responsible for requesting a deviation from IT Standards when potential non-standard products are identified.
      5. Using the Draft IT Standards Bill of Material, [the Project Manager] is responsible for updating the IT Standards Bill of Material after selecting to buy a component.
      6. Using the IT Standards Change Request Form, [the Project Manager] is responsible after obtaining approval from the Senior Manager to request a deviation from IT Standards.
      7. Using the Standards Change Request Number, [the Project Manager] is responsible for updating the project’s IT Standards Bill of Material with the Standards Change Request number.

Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analyses

Verify Reuse Options

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for


Product or product component designs are developed.




Product or product component designs should provide the appropriate content not only for implementation, but also for other phases of the product lifecycle such as modification, re-procurement, maintenance, sustainment, and installation. The design documentation provides a reference to support mutual understanding of the design by relevant stakeholders and supports future changes to the design both during development and in subsequent phases of the product lifecycle. A complete design description is documented in a technical data package that includes a full range of features and parameters including form, fit, function, interface, manufacturing process characteristics, and other parameters. Established organizational or project design standards (e.g., checklists, templates, object frameworks) form the basis for achieving a high degree of definition and completeness in design documentation.

Entrance Criteria:

  • <?>

Exit Criteria:

  • <?>

Process and Procedures:

Tailoring Guidelines:

  • None

Process Verification Record(s):

  • Product architecture
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Product component design
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Technical Data Package
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Interface design specifications
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Interface control documents
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Interface specification criteria
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Rationale for selected interface design
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Criteria for design and product component reuse
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Make-or-buy analyses
    • Stored By: <?>
  • Guidelines for choosing COTS or SaaS product components
    • Stored By: <?>


  • Establish and maintain criteria against which the design can be evaluated.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Identify, develop, or acquire the design methods appropriate for the product.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Ensure that the design adheres to applicable design standards and criteria.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Ensure that the design adheres to allocated requirements.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Document the design
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Determine the number of levels of design and the appropriate level of documentation for each design level.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Determine the views to be used to document the architecture.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Base detailed design descriptions on the allocated product component requirements, architecture, and higher level designs.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Document the design in the technical data package.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Document the key (i.e., significant effect on cost, schedule, or technical performance) decisions made or defined, including their rationale.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Revise the technical data package as necessary.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Define interface criteria.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Identify interfaces associated with other product components.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Identify interfaces associated with external items.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Identify interfaces between product components and the product related lifecycle processes.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Apply the criteria to the interface design alternatives.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Document the selected interface designs and the rationale for the selection.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Develop criteria for the reuse of product component designs.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Analyze designs to determine if product components should be developed, reused, or purchased.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
  • Analyze implications for maintenance when considering purchased or non-developmental.
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>
