


Training for individuals to perform their roles effectively is provided.


When selecting people to be trained, the following should be considered:

    • Background of the target population of training participants
    • Prerequisite background to receive training
    • Skills and abilities needed by people to perform their roles
    • Need for cross-discipline training for all disciplines, including project
    • Need for managers to have training in appropriate organizational
    • Need for training in basic principles of all appropriate disciplines or
      services to support staff in quality management, configuration
      management, and other related support functions
    • Need to provide competency development for critical functional areas
    • Need to maintain competencies and qualifications of staff to operate
      and maintain work environments common to multiple projects


  • Baseline Organizational Process Improvement Plan
  • Baseline Departmental Roles Definition
  • Organizational Training Plan


  • Course Training Feedback Records
  • Approved Departmental Training Needs
  • Updated Organizational Training Requirements
  • Updated Organizational Training Curriculum


  • Revised Organizational Training Plan
  • Training Course Feedback Record Template
  • Training Course Improvement Log Template
  • Post-Course Training Feedback Record Template

Task/User Story and Instructions:

Deliver Training

    1. Using the Baseline Organizational Training Plan, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from the Departmental Training Coordinators / Managers is responsible for selecting those who will receive the training necessary to perform their roles effectively.
    2. Using the Baseline Organizational Training Plan, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from Departmental Training Coordinators / Managers is responsible for scheduling the training, including any resources, as necessary (e.g., facilities, instructors).
    3. Using the Baseline Organizational Training Plan, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from Departmental Training Coordinators / Managers is responsible for delivering the training.
    4. Using the Baseline Organizational Training Plan, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from Departmental Training Coordinators / Managers is responsible for tracking the delivery of training against the plan.

Establish Training Records

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for keeping records of all students who successfully complete each training course or other approved training activity as well as those who are unsuccessful.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for keeping records of all staff who are waived from training.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for keeping  records of all students who successfully complete their required training.
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for making training records available.

Assess Training Effectiveness

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for assessing in-progress or completed projects to determine whether staff knowledge is adequate for performing project tasks.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for providing  a mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of each training course with respect to established organizational, project, or individual learning (or performance) objectives.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for obtaining  student evaluations of how well training activities met their needs.