
Conduct peer review for Customer Requirements and identify issues resulting form these review.


Reviews Customer Requirements and identify issues resulting form these reviews are conducted.


One of the purposes of conducting a Customer Requirements Peer Review is to find and remove defects early. Peer reviews are performed incrementally as work products are being developed. These reviews are structured and are not management reviews.

The focus of Customer Requirements Peer Review should be on the working product in a review, not the person who produced it.

When issues arise during the peer review, they should be communicated to the primary developer of the work product for correction

Peer reviews should address the following guidelines:

    • there must be sufficient preparation, the conduct must be managed and controlled
    • consistent and adequate data must be recorded
    • and action items must be recorded.


  • Review Plan section with the Project Management Plan
  • Draft Customer Requirements


  • Reviewed Customer Requirements


  • Customer Requirements Peer Review Kickoff Meeting Invitation Template
  • Customer Requirement Peer Review

Task Instructions:

Prepare for Customer Requirements Peer Reviews

    1. Using the Draft Customer Requirements Document, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for verifying the review readiness of the Customer Requirements Document.
    2. Using the Review Plan section within the Project Plan, [the Business Analyst] consulting with [the Project Manager] is responsible for validating the Reviewers.
    3. Using the Kickoff Meeting within the Customer Requirements Peer Review Invitation Template, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for completing the Kickoff Meeting worksheet.

Conduct Customer Requirements Peer Reviews

    1. Using the Kickoff Meeting, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for scheduling and conducting a Customer Requirements Kickoff Meeting.
    2. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting within the Customer Requirements Peer Review Invitation, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for completing the document .
    3. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for scheduling a Customer Requirements Peer Review meeting.
    4. Using the Meeting Documents within the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting, the are responsible for reviewing the work products and work product supporting documents.
    5. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for presenting the review package.

Analyze Customer Requirements Review Data

    1. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for updating the Action Items section.
    2. Using the Consolidated Review Log within the Customer Requirements Peer Review Invitation, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for documenting the identified modifications.
    3. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting and Consolidated Review Log, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for sending the Meeting Minutes to all invited reviewers and [the Project Manager].
    4. Using the Consolidated Review Log, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for following up with the Reviewers for clarification and confirms reviewers’ concerns, comments, or questions.
    5. Using the Peer Review Summary Report within the Customer Requirements Peer Review Invitation, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for updating the content.
    6. Using the Customer Requirements Peer Review Meeting, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for scheduling an additional review.
    7. Using the Peer Review Summary Report, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for tracking the effort spent to resolve identified modifications.
    8. Using the Consolidated Review Log, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for consulting with [the Project Manager] to get an agreement on which modifications to be updated and which need to be classified as out of scope.
    9. Using the Consolidated Review Log, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for fixing the identified modifications and ensures they do not introduce new or unintended modifications.
    10. Using the Project Document Control, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for ensuring that the work product is revised per the Project Document Control.
    11. Using the Consolidated Review Log, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for verifying closure of the review modifications.
    12. Using the Peer Review Plan within the Product Quality Plan, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for ensuring that the review conducted meets the defined exit criteria for the worked product.
    13. Using the Peer Review Summary Report, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for completing the document and sending it to [the Project Manager].
    14. Using the Review Plan within the Product Quality Plan, [the Project Manager] approves that the review conducted meets the work’s defined exit criteria.
    15. Using the Peer Review Summary Report, and Project Document Control, [the Business Analyst] is responsible for checking in the documents into Configuration Management Library.