
Provide timely and effective response to user requests and resolution of all types of incidents. Restore normal service; record and fulfill user requests; and record, investigate, diagnose, escalate and resolve incidents.


Achieve increased productivity and minimize disruptions through quick resolution of user queries and incidents.




  • SLAs
  • Configuration repository
  • Updated repository with configuration items
  • Configuration status reports
  • Asset monitoring rules and event conditions
  • Problem classification scheme
  • Incident response actions and communications
  • SLAs
  • Emergency escalation procedure
  • Incident tickets
  • Asset monitoring rules and event conditions
  • Security incident tickets
  • Risk-related root causes
  • Supplemental support plan
  • Risk-related incident response plans
  • Known-error records
  • Communication of knowledge learned
  • OLAs
  • Problem status reports
  • Problem resolution reports
  • Problem resolution monitoring reports
  • <?>


  • Incident and service request classification schemes and models
  • Rules for incident escalation
  • Criteria for problem registration
  • Incident and service request log
  • Classified and prioritized incidents and service requests
  • Approved service requests
  • Fulfilled service requests
  • Incident symptoms
  • Problem log
  • Incident resolutions
  • Incident status and trends report
  • Request fulfillment status and trends report
  • <?>



Task Instructions:

Define Incident and Service Request Classification Schemes

    1. Define incident and service request classification and prioritization schemes and criteria for problem registration, to ensure consistent approaches for handling, informing users about, and conducting trend analysis.
    2. Define incident models for known errors to enable efficient and effective resolution.
    3. Define service request models according to the service request type to enable self-help and efficient service for standard requests.
    4. Define incident escalation rules and procedures, especially for major incidents and security incidents.
    5. Define incident and request knowledge sources and their use.

Record, Classify and Prioritize Requests and Incidents

    1. Log all service requests and incidents, recording all relevant information so that they can be handled effectively, and a full historical record can be maintained.
    2. To enable trend analysis, classify service requests, and incidents by identifying type and category.
    3. Prioritize service requests and incidents based on SLA service definition of business impact and urgency.

Verify, Approve and Fulfill Service Requests

    1. Verify entitlement for service requests using, where possible, predefined process flow, and standard changes.
    2. Obtain financial and functional approval or sign-off, if required, or predefined approvals for agreed-on standard changes.
    3. Fulfill the requests by performing the selected request procedure, using, where possible, self-help automated menus and predefined request models for frequently requested items.

Investigate, diagnose and allocate Incidents

    1. Identify and describe relevant symptoms to establish the most probable causes of the incidents. Reference available knowledge resources (including known errors and problems) to identify possible incident resolutions (temporary workarounds and/or permanent solutions).
    2. If a related problem or known error does not already exist and if the incident satisfies agreed-on criteria for problem registration, log a new problem.
    3. Assign incidents to specialist functions if deeper expertise is needed, and engage the appropriate level of management, where and if needed.

Resolve and Recover from Incidents

    1. Select and apply the most appropriate incident resolutions (temporary workaround and/or permanent solution).
    2. Record whether workarounds were used for incident resolution.
    3. Perform recovery actions, if required.
    4. Document incident resolution and assess if the resolution can be used as a future knowledge source.

Close Service Requests and Incidents

    1. Verify with the affected users (if agreed on) that the service request has been satisfactorily fulfilled or the incident has been satisfactorily resolved.
    2. Close service requests and incidents. Management Practice

Track Status and Produce Reports

    1. Monitor and track incident escalations and resolutions and request handling procedures to progress towards resolution or completion.
    2. Identify information stakeholders and their needs for data or reports. Identify reporting frequency and medium.
    3. Analyze incidents and service requests by category and type to establish trends and identify patterns of recurring issues, SLA breaches, or inefficiencies. Use the information as input to continual improvement planning.
    4. Produce and distribute timely reports or provide controlled access to online data.