
Maintain the availability of relevant, current, validated and reliable knowledge to support all process activities and to facilitate decision making. Plan for the identification, gathering, organizing, maintaining, use and retirement of knowledge.


Provide the knowledge required to support all staff in their work activities and for informed decision making and enhanced productivity.




  • Documented solution components
  • Knowledge transfer plans
  • Documented solution components
  • Operation and use plan
  • Knowledge transfer plans


  • Communications on value of knowledge
  • Classification of information sources
  • Published knowledge repositories
  • Knowledge user database
  • Knowledge awareness and training schemes
  • Knowledge use evaluation results
  • Rules for knowledge retirement


  • Knowledge requirements and sources

Task Instructions:

Nurture and Facilitate a Knowledge-Sharing Culture

    1. Proactively communicate the value of knowledge to encourage knowledge creation, use, re-use, and sharing.

    2. Encourage the sharing and transfer of knowledge by identifying and leveraging motivational factors.

    3. Create an environment, tools, and artifacts that support the sharing and transfer of knowledge.

    4. Embed knowledge management practices into other IT processes.

    5. Set management expectations and demonstrate appropriate attitude regarding the usefulness of knowledge and the need to share enterprise knowledge.

Identify and Classify Sources of Information

    1. Identify potential knowledge users, including owners of the information, who may need to contribute and approve knowledge. Obtain knowledge requirements and sources of information from identified users.

    2. Consider content types (procedures, processes, structures, concepts, policies, rules, facts, classifications), artifacts (documents, records, video, voice), and structured and unstructured information (experts, social media, email, voice mail, RSS feeds).

    3. Classify sources of information based on a content classification scheme (e.g., information architecture model). Map sources of information to the classification scheme.

    4. Collect, collate, and validate information sources based on information validation criteria (e.g., understandability, relevance, importance, integrity, accuracy, consistency, confidentiality, currency, and reliability).

Organised and Contextualize Information into Knowledge

    1. Identify shared attributes and match sources of information, creating relationships between information sets (information tagging).

    2. Create views to related data sets, considering stakeholder and organizational requirements.

    3. Devise and implement a scheme to manage unstructured knowledge not available through formal sources (e.g., expert knowledge).

    4. Publish and make knowledge accessible to relevant stakeholders based on roles and access mechanisms.

Use and Share Knowledge

    1. Identify potential knowledge users by knowledge classification.

    2. Transfer knowledge to knowledge users based on a needs gap analysis and effective learning techniques and access tools.

    3. Educate and train users on available knowledge, access to knowledge, and use of knowledge access tools.

Evaluate and Retire Information

    1. Measure the use and evaluate the usefulness, relevance, and value of knowledge elements. Identify related information that is no longer relevant to the enterprise’s knowledge requirements.

    2. Define the rules for knowledge retirement and retire knowledge accordingly