











Task Instructions:

The physical environment and resources required to perform committed work are identified in each unit.

    1. Work is analyzed to determine the type of physical environment and resources required to perform it.
    2. The physical environment and resources needed to perform assigned work are compared to those currently available within the unit to determine unit needs.
    3. A responsible individual(s) takes appropriate action to acquire workspace or resources needed to perform assigned work.
    4. If the physical environment or other resources needed cannot be obtained, a responsible individual(s) develops a contingency plan that articulates performance risks and coordinates its implementation with all affected parties.

The physical environment required to perform assigned work is provided.

    1. Adequate space is provided for performing assigned work.
    2. To the extent possible, the physical environment is designed and organized to support efficient performance of assigned work.
    3. To the extent possible, culturally important issues are considered when organizing the physical environment.
    4. Characteristics of the physical environment that are important for work performance are adjusted and, if necessary, monitored.
    5. When aspects of an adequate physical environment cannot be provided, a contingency action is implemented.

Individual workspaces provide an adequate personal environment for performing assigned work responsibilities.

    1. Protected private space where personal effects, work tools, and products can be secured and stored as necessary.
    2. Adequate desktop space for using tools and other resources in performing tasks and storing the work products produced.
    3. Adequate illumination for performing work.
    4. Sufficient isolation and noise protection to support the level of concentration needed to perform individual work.
    5. Sufficient space to perform work activities alone or with a limited number of colleagues, as appropriate.

The resources needed to accomplish committed work are made available in a timely manner.

    1. Adequate physical and technical resources are provided for performing committed work.
    2. Responsible individuals report work environment conditions that would degrade or endanger health or safety to individuals who can address them.
    3. Responsible individuals identify and implement reasonable accommodations to protect the health or safety of the workforce while corrections are being made.
    4. Responsible individuals monitor progress in correcting health or safety related conditions to ensure they are corrected in a timely manner.

Physical factors that degrade the effectiveness of the work environment are identified and addressed.

    1. Responsible individuals maintain awareness of the physical factors in the work environment that could degrade the performance of those exposed to these factors.
    2. Responsible individuals identify and take action to mitigate the effects of physical factors that could degrade the performance of individuals exposed to them.
    3. Responsible individuals monitor the performance of affected individuals to determine if additional actions need to be taken to mitigate the impact of physical factors.
    4. If it is determined that it is not possible to effectively eliminate the impact of a physical factor, alternative mitigation strategies and solutions are pursued.

Sources of frequent interruption or distraction that degrade the effectiveness of the work environment are identified and minimized.