




An Ability to Perform practice reflects the need for adequate resources and funding for the activities covered by the processes. These resources and funding generally fall into five categories: adequate personnel, adequate funding, adequate time, access to special skills, and access to tools. Tools that may be of use in performing the activities of the processes are listed as examples. The term “funding” is used, rather than “budgets,” to emphasize that having a budget is not sufficient, but whether the funding resources have been appropriately expended on their intended purposes.

The People CMM addresses an individual’s preparation to perform the practices relevant to their responsibilities. This context is somewhat broader than might normally be considered when using the term training. Training is provided to make an individual or workgroup proficient through specialized instruction and practice. Training may include informal, as well as formal, vehicles for transferring knowledge and skills to the staff. While classroom training is commonly used by many organizations to build the knowledge, skills, and process abilities of their employees, the People CMM also accommodates other techniques, such as facilitated video, computer-aided instruction, mentoring and apprenticeship programs, guided self-study, and knowledge gained from previous experience. Preparation to perform one’s responsibilities can be gained through training, mentoring, prior experience, or other forms of learning, but the individuals must possess the knowledge, skills, and process abilities necessary to perform their responsibilities.

In some processes, the workforce needs to understand the practices that will affect them, such as in Compensation and Performance Management. Orientation is used broadly to indicate the level of knowledge or skills being transferred is less than would be expected to be transferred to someone who was being prepared to perform the practices. Orientation is an overview or introduction to a topic for those overseeing, working with, or being affected by the individuals responsible for performing in the topic area.

Workforce practices to be implemented need to be defined and documented so that greater consistency can be achieved across the organization in implementing workforce practices. Thus, workforce practices begin being treated as standard organizational processes.

Some processes require documents or materials to exist as inputs for the practices to be performed. For example, workforce competency descriptions and competency-based processes are a prerequisite for Competency Development. In keeping with the People CMM philosophy of highlighting the vital few practices, not all prerequisite items are listed for each processes. The People CMM incorporates practices only for those prerequisites that have been found to be particularly critical for implementing the processes.







Ability Instructions:

Within each unit, an individual(s) is assigned responsibility and authority for ensuring that Staffing activities are performed.

Adequate resources are provided for performing Staffing activities.

    1. Documented business plans, budgets, or similar guidance are available that indicate the work to be assigned to each unit and the budget available for staffing to perform the assigned work.
    2. Where feasible, experienced individuals who have expertise in Staffing methods and procedures are made available for conducting Staffing activities.
    3. Resources to support Staffing activities are made available.
    4. Support for Staffing activities is made available.
    5. Adequate funding is provided for the approved positions within a unit.

Individuals performing Staffing activities receive the preparation in methods and procedures needed to perform their responsibilities.

Individuals participating in Staffing activities receive appropriate orientation in Staffing practices