











Task Instructions:

Information about organizational and unit performance is made available to individuals and workgroups.

    1. Management at each level of the organization identifies information about organizational and unit performance that would assist individuals, workgroups, or units in aligning their decisions and business activities with
      that level’s business objectives or commitments.
    2. Designated information about organizational and unit performance is summarized at an appropriate level of detail for use by individuals, workgroups, or units, communicated to individuals, workgroups, or units using methods that make the information readily accessible and useful for decision making or other business activities, and revised with a frequency appropriate to the rate of change for each type of information.
    3. The workforce is made aware of the extent to which different forms of performance information must be treated as confidential.

Individuals and workgroups are made aware of how their work performance contributes to unit and organizational performance.

    1. Individual performance feedback is presented in the context of workgroup, unit, and organizational performance.
    2. Workgroup performance feedback is presented in the context of unit and organizational performance.
    3. Links among individual, workgroup, unit, and organizational performance are explained.
    4. Links between organizational performance and the achievement of organizational business objectives are communicated and reinforced.

Individuals and workgroups have access to information needed to perform their committed work.

    1. Individuals and workgroups identify information they need for performing their work, and others need from them.
    2. Individuals and workgroups identify the most effective mechanisms for transferring needed information.
    3. Individuals and workgroups coordinate with information sources to ensure timely access to required information.
    4. Managers and supervisors ensure that the information requirements of those they supervise are satisfied.
    5. Competency-based experience and information captured within a competency community is made available to other individuals or workgroups that have a need for this information.

Information and communication systems support the information needs of individuals and workgroups.

    1. Within boundaries defined by organizational, budgetary, and relevant technical considerations, information and communication technologies are provided to individuals and workgroups to support their information and communication needs.
    2. Individuals and workgroups participate in the selection and design of information and communication technologies to ensure their needs are met.
    3. Information and communication technologies are implemented to meet the needs of individuals and workgroups, maintained, and enhanced over time, as appropriate.
    4. Individuals and workgroups participate in decisions about improvements and upgrades to the information and communication technologies that they use.

The structure of decision-making processes within the organization is analyzed.

    1. Decisions to be analyzed are identified.
    2. Identified decisions are analyzed to determine which roles or workgroups have the most relevant information for making the decision, can make the most timely and accurate decision, are in the best position to involve all relevant stakeholders, share dependencies affected by the decision, need to be involved in providing input to or reviewing the decision, and need to be informed of the results of the decision.
    3. Individuals, workgroups, or units at each level of the organization are involved in analyzing decisions made at their level.

Decision-making processes and roles are defined.

    1. The organization develops or adopts standard decision-making methods for use with different types of decisions.
    2. Decision-making methods are embedded in defined processes that are appropriate for the situation or business activities being performed.
    3. Decision-making processes are defined within the context of the business activities and processes they affect.

Responsibilities for decisions are delegated to appropriate levels and locations in the organization.

    1. The most appropriate roles or workgroups for participating in and making various decisions are identified.
    2. 2. Authority and responsibility for decision-making are delegated to lower levels of the organization when feasible and appropriate by the nature of the decision.
    3. Executives initiate participatory decision processes by analyzing and delegating appropriate decisions at their level.

Individuals and workgroups use defined decision-making processes.

    1. Standard decision-making methods, roles, and processes are tailored for their most effective use based on the characteristics of the situation in which they are used.
    2. Roles in the decision-making process are assigned to appropriate individuals or workgroups in planning their work processes.
    3. Those with management or supervisory responsibility for individuals or workgroups involved in decision-making processes ensure that they are prepared for their responsibilities.
    4. Individuals or groups perform their roles as defined or tailored when participating in making decisions.
    5. Data and other inputs relevant to a decision are provided to those involved in the decision process.
    6. Decisions are communicated and coordinated as necessary.
    7. When decisions are reconsidered, appropriate decision-making processes are used.
    8. Decisions are evaluated to identify factors that could improve the speed or accuracy of the decisions, when appropriate in an individual, competency based, workgroup, or a unit work process.

Decisions made by those empowered to make them are supported by others in the organization.

    1. Individuals responsible for individuals, workgroups, or units empowered to make or participate in decisions maintain awareness of decision-making processes to ensure that conditions affecting decision-making such as accuracy of inputs, level of competence or experience, and time allotted are appropriate to support accurate and timely decisions, take corrective action when conditions affecting decision-making need to
      be improved, and ensure that necessary coordination of decisions with relevant stakeholders occurs.
    2. Issues or decisions that cannot be resolved according to defined decision-making processes are raised to decision-makers at higher levels for resolution
    3. When business or other conditions suggest that decisions be altered, changed, or reversed, management communicates with and involves those empowered
      to make the decision(s) affected.

Individuals and workgroups are involved in making decisions that affect their work.

    1. When appropriate, input is sought from the workforce on important decisions affecting the whole organization.
    2. Individuals or workgroups participate in developing and reviewing organizational policies, plans, and procedures that affect them.
    3. Individuals or workgroups participate in making decisions about how to organize and perform their work through involvement, where appropriate, in identifying problems or issues, generating alternatives, selecting a solution, planning the implementation of the selected solution, and evaluating the results.
    4. The rationale behind a decision is communicated to those affected by the decision.

Individuals and groups participate in decisions concerning their work environments.

    1. Individuals and groups provide input for the arrangement of work facilities, alterations or improvements to their work environment, and resources needed to perform their work.
    2. To the extent reasonable, individuals and groups participate in decisions about work resources and their work environment.
    3. To the extent reasonable, individuals and workgroups arrange their work environment to best support their work processes.

Defined mechanisms are used for resolving conflicts and disputes.

    1. The organization defines decision-making processes through which different types of conflicts or disputes can be resolved.
    2. Appropriate problem-solving opportunities are made available for individuals or workgroups to resolve problems, issues, conflicts, or disputes that affect their work.
    3. Conflicts and disputes are addressed through appropriate conflict and dispute resolution processes.
    4. Appropriate stakeholders are involved in conflict and dispute resolution processes.
    5. Results of conflict and dispute resolution processes are communicated and implemented.