











Task Instructions:

Individuals and workgroups capture and retain information and artifacts that emerge from performing competency-based processes.

    1. Competency-based processes are augmented with tasks for capturing information and artifacts developed while performing business activities.
    2. Information that can contribute to the knowledge, skills, or process abilities of workforce competencies is captured and retained.
    3. Artifacts developed while performing competency-based processes are retained.

Communication vehicles are established to support the sharing of competency-based information and artifacts within and among competency communities.

A strategy for developing and deploying competency-based assets is created for each affected workforce competency.

    1. The organization identifies the workforce competencies where capture, development, and use of competency-based assets are determined to have sufficient business benefit.
    2. Within each affected workforce competency, a strategy for competency-based assets is established and maintained.
    3. Within each workforce competency, guidelines and criteria are established for deciding which bundles of information and artifacts are sufficiently valuable to be developed into competency-based assets.
    4. Standards for representing competency-based assets are established at either the workforce competency level or at the organizational level.
    5. Methods and processes are defined for capturing competency-based assets, sharing competency-based assets, and using competency-based assets.
    6. The strategy and standards for selecting and developing competency-based assets are communicated to each competency community.
    7. Responsibilities are assigned for acquiring, developing, deploying, and maintaining competency-based assets.

Selected components of competency-based information and artifacts are organized into competency-based assets and made available for use.

    1. Information and artifacts produced within a competency community are selected according to appropriate standards and criteria for incorporation into competency-based assets.
    2. Responsible individuals or workgroups transform information and artifacts into competency-based assets using appropriate methods and complying with relevant standards.
    3. Competency-based assets are made available for use.
    4. Version control is established for competency-based assets.
    5. When competency-based information and artifacts are developed into competency-based assets, actions are taken to ensure they are consistent with workforce competency descriptions.

Competency-based assets are updated to reflect periodic revisions in the knowledge, skills, and process abilities constituting workforce competencies.

    1. Actions are taken to ensure competency-based assets are consistent with definitions of the knowledge, skills, and process abilities constituting workforce competencies. Competency-based assets are periodically reviewed to ensure they are consistent with workforce competency descriptions.  When revisions are made to workforce competency descriptions, related competency-based assets are revised as necessary to maintain consistency.  Information and artifacts captured from performing competency-based processes are reviewed to discover if they indicate needed revisions to workforce competency descriptions.
    2. When appropriate, competency-based assets are incorporated into continuing revisions of workforce competencies.
    3. Competency-based assets are periodically reviewed for currency and are modified or removed when appropriate.
    4. When appropriate, competency communities are involved in the process of maintaining and validating for use competency-based assets relevant to their workforce competencies.

Competency-based assets are integrated into competency-based processes and related technologies, as appropriate.

    1. Those responsible for developing and deploying competency-based assets evaluate the definition of competency-based processes to identify adjustments that will support incorporating these assets into standard work practices and business activities.
    2. Workforce competency descriptions are revised to incorporate competency-based assets. These revisions may include revisions of competency-based processes based on knowledge embodied
      in the asset or required for using the asset, or descriptions of the knowledge and skills embodied in the assets or required for using the assets.
    3. Technologies are adjusted to deploy competency-based assets. These adjustments may include electronically accessible repositories of competency-based assets, search tools for finding relevant competency-based assets, presentation media for displaying competency-based assets through means appropriate to the their most effective timing and use, communication technology for deploying competency-based assets remotely, and security mechanisms to ensure the protection and appropriate use of the organization’s competency-based assets.
    4. The incorporation of competency-based assets into competency-based processes is communicated to the competency communities affected.

Individuals and workgroups use competency-based assets in performing their business activities.

    1. Individuals and workgroups receive preparation to incorporate competency-based assets into their performance of competency-based processes.
    2. Individuals and workgroups plan (or replan) their committed work to incorporate competency-based assets where appropriate.
    3. Assistance or mentoring is available to individuals or workgroups using competency-based assets.

Information resulting from the use of competency-based assets is captured and made available.

    1. Information is captured on the use of competency-based assets.
    2. Information on experiences using competency-based assets is organized and made available for use.
    3. Information characterizing the use of competency-based assets is used in revising or expanding these assets.

Competency development activities incorporate competency-based assets.

    1. Programs of training and development in each of the organization’s workforce competencies incorporate competency-based assets in the learning opportunities offered to individuals and workgroups.
    2. Some learning activities are explicitly designed to impart the information contained in competency-based assets.
    3. Competency-based assets are tailored as necessary to become effective components of the organization’s competency development plans and activities.

Mentoring or coaching activities are organized to deploy competency-based assets.

    1. Within each workforce competency for which mentoring is appropriate, a
      mentoring process is defined to a level sufficient to ensure that those being
      mentored develop the appropriate level of competency.
    2. Mentors receive preparation for imparting the documented knowledge, skills,
      and process abilities using a defined mentoring process.
    3. Mentoring practices and activities are periodically reviewed to identify
      needed improvements or opportunities for better exploiting competency-based assets.

Workforce practices and activities encourage and support the development and use of competency-based assets.

    1. Where appropriate, decisions concerning staffing and work assignments are adjusted to identify individuals with the greatest potential for contributing to and using competency-based assets.
    2. Performance management practices and activities are adjusted to consider the contribution to, and use of, competency-based assets.
    3. The work environment is adjusted, as appropriate, to encourage or support the contribution to, or use of, competency-based assets.

Compensation practices and activities are defined and performed to motivate the development and use of competency-based assets.

    1. The compensation system is adjusted, as needed, to motivate the development and use of competency-based assets.
    2. Guidance and assistance for factoring the development and use of competency-based assets into compensation decisions is provided to individuals responsible for compensation decisions.
    3. The basis on which the development and use of competency-based assets are factored into compensation decisions is discussed with each individual.
    4. Individual compensation decisions affected by the development and use of competency-based assets are reviewed to ensure they maintain equity in the compensation system.
    5. The compensation system is periodically reviewed and adjusted to improve its influence on the development and use of competency-based assets.