


Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified.


The project maintains a current and approved set of requirements over the life of the project by doing the following:

    • Managing all changes to requirements
    • Maintaining relationships among requirements, project plans, and work products
    • Ensuring alignment among requirements, project plans, and work products
    • Taking corrective action







Task/User Story and Instructions:

Understand Requirements

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing criteria for distinguishing appropriate requirements providers.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing objective criteria for the evaluation and acceptance of requirements.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for analyzing requirements to ensure that established criteria are met.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for reaching an understanding of requirements with requirements providers so that project participants can commit to them.

Obtain Commitment to Requirements

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for assessing the impact of requirements on existing commitments.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for negotiating and records commitments.

Manage Requirements Changes

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for documenting all requirements and requirements changes that are given to or generated by the project.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for maintain a requirements change history, including the rationale for changes.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for evaluate the impact of requirement changes from the standpoint of relevant stakeholders.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for making requirements and change data available to the project.

Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for maintaining requirements traceability to ensure that the source of lower level (i.e., derived) requirements is documented.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for maintaining  requirements traceability from a requirement to its derived requirements and allocation to work products.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for generate a requirements traceability matrix

Ensure Alignment Between Project Work and Requirements

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing project plans, activities, and work products for consistency with requirements and changes made to them.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for identifying the source of the inconsistency (if any).
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for identifying any changes that should be made to plans and work products resulting from changes to the requirements baseline.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for initiating any necessary corrective actions.