


Baselines and models, which characterize the expected process performance of the organization’s set of standard processes, are established and maintained.


Prior to establishing process performance baselines and models, it is necessary to determine the quality and process performance objectives for those processes (the Establish Quality and Process Performance Objectives specific practice), which processes are suitable to be measured (the Select Processes specific practice), and which measures are useful for determining process performance (the Establish Process Performance Measures specific practice).

The first three practices of this goal are interrelated and often need to be performed concurrently and iteratively to select quality and process performance objectives, processes, and measures. Often, the selection of one quality and process performance objective, process, or measure will constrain the selection of the others. For example, selecting a quality and process performance objective relating to defects delivered to the customer will almost certainly require selecting the verification processes and defect related measures.

The intent of this goal is to provide projects with the process performance baselines and models they need to perform quantitative project management. Many times these baselines and models are collected or created by the organization, but there are circumstances in which a project may need to create the baselines and models for themselves. These circumstances include projects that are not covered by the organization’s baselines and models. For these cases the project follows the practices in this goal to create its baselines and models.







Task/User Story Instructions:

Establish Quality and Process Performance Objectives

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing the organization’s business objectives related to quality and process performance.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for defining the organization’s quantitative objectives for quality and process performance.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for defining the priorities of the organization’s objectives for quality and process performance.
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing,  negotiate, and obtain commitment to the organization’s quality and process performance objectives and their priorities from relevant stakeholders.
    5. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for revising the organization’s quantitative objectives for quality and process performance as necessary.

Select Processes

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing the criteria to use when selecting sub-processes.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for selecting the sub-processes and document the rationale for their selection.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing and maintain traceability between the selected sub-processes, quality and process performance objectives, and business objectives.
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for revising  the selection as necessary.

Establish Process Performance Measures

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for selecting measures that reflect appropriate attributes of the selected processes or sub-processes to provide insight into the organization’s quality and process performance.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing operational definitions for the selected measures.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for incorporating selected measures into the organization’s set of common
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for revising the set of measures as necessary.

Analyze Process Performance and Establish Process Performance Baselines

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for collecting  the selected measurements for the selected processes and sub-processes. 
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for Analyze the collected measures to establish a distribution or range of results that characterize the expected performance of selected processes or sub-processes when used on a project.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing and maintain the process performance baselines from collected measurements and analyses. 
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing and get agreement with relevant stakeholders about the process performance baselines.
    5. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for making the process performance information available across the organization in the measurement repository.
    6. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for  comparing the process performance baselines to associated quality and process performance objectives to determine if those quality and process performance objectives are being achieved.
    7. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for revising the process performance baselines as necessary.

Establish Process Performance Models

    1. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing process performance models based on the organization’s set of standard processes and process performance baselines.
    2. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for calibrating  process performance models based on the past results and current needs.
    3. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing process performance models and get agreement with relevant stakeholders.
    4. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for supporting the projects’ use of process performance models.
    5. Using the <?>, [the VP/Director of PMO] with support from <?> is responsible for revising process performance models as necessary.