


Measurement results, which address identified information needs and objectives, are provided.


The primary reason for conducting measurement and analysis is to address identified information needs derived from the project, organizational, and business objectives. Measurement results based on objective evidence can help to monitor progress and performance, fulfill obligations documented in a supplier agreement, make informed management and technical decisions, and enable corrective actions to be taken.







Task/User Story and Task Instructions:

Obtain Measurement Data

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for obtaining data for base measures.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for generating data for derived measures.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for performing data integrity checks as close to the source of data as possible.

Analyze Measurement Data

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for conducting initial analyses, interpreting results, and drawing preliminary conclusions.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for conducting additional measurement and analysis as necessary and preparing results for presentation.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing initial results with relevant stakeholders.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for refining criteria for future analyses.

Store Data and Results

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for reviewing data to ensure their completeness, integrity, accuracy, and currency.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for storing data according to data storage procedures.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for making stored contents available for use only to appropriate groups and staff members.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for preventing stored information from being used inappropriately.

Communicate Results

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for keeping relevant stakeholders informed of measurement results in a timely manner.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for assisting relevant stakeholders in understanding results.