
The project is conducted using a defined process tailored to the organization’s standard processes.




The project’s defined process includes those processes from the organization’s set of standard processes that address all processes necessary to acquire, develop, maintain, or deliver the product.

The product-related lifecycle processes, such as manufacturing and support processes, are developed concurrently with the product.







Task / User Story and Task Instructions:

Establish the Project’s Defined Process

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for selecting a lifecycle model from the ones available in organizational process assets.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for selecting standard processes from the organization’s set of standard processes that best fit the needs of the project.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for tailoring the organization’s set of standard processes and other organizational process assets according to tailoring guidelines to produce the project’s defined process.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for using other artifacts from the organization’s process asset library as appropriate.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for documenting the project’s defined process.
    6. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for conducting peer reviews of the project’s defined process.
    7. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for revising the project’s defined process as necessary.

Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for using the tasks and work products of the project’s defined processes as a basis for estimating and planning project activities
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for using the organization’s measurement repository in estimating the project’s planning parameters.

Establish the Project’s Work Environment

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for planning, designing, and installing a work environment for the project.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for providing ongoing maintenance and operational support for the project’s work environment.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for maintaining the qualification of components of the project’s work environment.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for periodically reviewing how well the work environment is meeting project needs and supporting collaboration, and taking action as appropriate.

Integrate Plans

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for integrating other plans that affect the project with the project plan.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for incorporating into the project plan the definitions of measures and measurement activities for managing the project.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for identifying and analyzing product and project interface risks.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for scheduling tasks in a sequence that accounts for critical development and delivery factors and project risks.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for incorporating plans for performing peer reviews on work products of the project’s defined process.
    6. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for incorporating the training needed to perform the project’s defined process in the project’s training plans.
    7. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing objective entry and exit criteria to authorize the initiation and completion of tasks described in the work breakdown structure.
    8. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for ensuring that the project plan is appropriately compatible with the plans of relevant stakeholders.
    9. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for identifying how conflicts will be resolved that arise among relevant stakeholders.

Manage the Project Using Integrated Plans

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for implementing the project’s defined process using the organization’s process asset library.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for monitoring and controlling the project’s activities and work products using the projects’ defined process, project plan, and other plans that affect the project.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for obtaining and analyzing selected measurements to manage the project and support organization needs.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for periodically reviewing and aligning the project’s performance with current and anticipated needs, objectives, and requirements of the organization, customer, and end users as appropriate.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for addressing causes of selected issues that can affect the project objectives.

Establish Teams

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing and maintaining the project’s shared vision.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing and maintaining the team structure.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for establishing and maintaining each team.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for periodically evaluating the team structure and composition.

Contribute to Organizational Process Assets

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for proposing improvements to the organizational process assets.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for storing process and product measures in the organization’s measurement repository.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for submitting documentation for possible inclusion in the organization’s process asset library.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for documenting lessons learned from the project for inclusion in the organization’s process asset library.
    5. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for providing process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing
      the organization’s set of standard processes in support of the
      organization’s process monitoring activities.