
Systematically determine root causes of selected outcomes.


The root causes of selected outcomes are systematically determined.


A root cause is an initiating element in a causal chain that leads to an outcome of interest.







Task/User Story and Instructions:

Select Outcomes for Analysis

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for gathering relevant data.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for determining which outcomes to analyze further.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for formally defining the scope of the analysis, including a clear definition of
      the improvement needed or expected, stakeholders affected, target
      affected, etc.

Analyze Causes

    1. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for conducting causal analysis with those who are responsible for performing the task.
    2. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for analyzing selected outcomes to determine their root causes.
    3. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for combining selected outcomes into groups based on their root causes.
    4. Using the <?>, [the ?] with support from <?> is responsible for creating an action proposal that documents actions to be taken to prevent the future occurrence of similar outcomes or to incorporate best practices into processes.