
Ensure the next few sprints worth of user stories in the product backlog are prepared for sprint planning.


Analyze requirements to ensure they are necessary and sufficient.


Backlog grooming (or refinement) is the process of going through the backlog items and maintaining the list of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements. More specifically it includes:

    • Clarification on what will be worked on next
    • Ensuring high priority items contain all specifications and requirements needed
    • Creation of new stories reflecting new needs
    • Re-assessing priorities
    • Editing/strengthening existing stories
    • Story estimation determining effort and time
    • Creation of sub-tasks
    • Removal of unnecessary items


Sprint Grooming


  • Product Roadmap
  • Product Backlog
    • Updated or created EPICS
    • Updated or created
    • Document Prioritization


  • Groomed Product Backlog


  • Definition of Done

Task Instructions:

Product Backlog Refinement Sessions

    1. Using Product Backlog, [the Product Owner] with support from the Product Manager is responsible for expanding and developing the strategic purposes behind prioritized items in the backlog.
    2. Using Product Backlog, [the Product Owner] is responsible for ensuring that that items are organized, dependencies identified or removed, test cases are written, acceptance criteria is listed, and all descriptions are set. Without this prep work, the Product Backlog Grooming Sessions are less efficient and more time-consuming for everyone.

Product Backlog Prioritize

    1. Using Refined Product Backlog, [the Product Owner] with support from the Product Manager is responsible for ensuring that all items in the Refined Product Backlog are prioritized.

Product Backlog Grooming Sessions

    1. Using Prioritized Product Backlog, [the Scrum Master] with support from the Product Owner and Scrum Team is responsible for ensuring that all items in the Prioritized Product Backlog are clearly understood by the Scrum Team.