











Task Instructions:

Opportunities for using the experience of the workforce to improve performance or achieve other organizational objectives are identified.

    1. Potential opportunities for mentoring activities are identified.
    2. Opportunities to benefit from mentoring are evaluated and prioritized.
    3. Mentoring programs are initiated based on relevant criteria, such as budget or availability of qualified mentors.

The objectives and structure of each mentoring program are defined.

    1. Each mentoring program addresses specific competencies, positions, individuals, or workgroups within the organization that can be involved in its mentoring activities.
    2. Each mentoring program establishes a set of objectives that its mentoring activities are to accomplish.
    3. Each mentoring program defines a mentoring process to a level of detail sufficient to ensure that those who receive mentoring develop the appropriate level of competency.
    4. The knowledge, skills, and process abilities that are imparted through mentoring are documented as competency-based assets, drawn from or based on the content of documented workforce competency descriptions, organized for use according to levels of capability represented in graduated career opportunities, complete enough to ensure that those being mentored have the
      competency required to perform at the intended level, described at a level of detail sufficient to create a common understanding among mentors or coaches of the specific knowledge, skills, and process abilities to be imparted at different points in the mentoring relationship, sufficiently thorough to ensure that any individual or workgroup who has worked with a mentor or coach has achieved a minimum capability for performing competency-based processes, and reviewed and updated, as necessary.
    5. Alternative structures for providing the types of benefits achieved through mentoring are considered when appropriate.
    6. Feedback on each mentoring program is collected by a responsible individual(s) to support evaluation of mentoring activities.
    7. Each mentoring program is periodically evaluated to ensure that it is achieving its set of objectives and revised or terminated, when necessitated by feedback on the mentoring program, levels of workforce capability, or changes in business strategy or conditions, to improve the value of the mentoring performed.

Each mentoring program is communicated to affected individuals and workgroups.

    1. Methods are selected to invite participation in the mentoring program based on the objectives established for the mentoring program.
    2. Individuals or workgroups are invited to participate in the mentoring program.
    3. A responsible individual is available to answer questions about each mentoring program.

Mentors are selected and matched with individuals or workgroups to be mentored.

    1. Criteria are defined for selecting mentors.
    2. Candidates who have applied for mentoring assignments are evaluated against the criteria, and those who are qualified are selected to act as mentors.
    3. Selected mentors are prepared to perform their mentoring responsibilities.
    4. Selected mentors are assigned to individuals or workgroups, based on defined criteria for maintaining organizational or managerial distance between the mentor and the individual or workgroup to be mentored, matching mentors with individuals or workgroups, ensuring successful transfer of competency-based assets to the individual or workgroup being mentored, handling requests for specific mentoring assignments, and having the necessary preparation in relevant mentoring objectives, techniques, and skills.

Mentors and those they mentor establish a mentoring relationship.

    1. Both mentors and those they mentor receive appropriate training or orientation before establishing their mentoring relationship.
    2. During their initial meetings, mentors and the individual or workgroup establish the basic agreements on which their relationship will develop.
    3. be accomplished through the mentoring relationship.
    4. If competency development is a focus of the mentoring relationship, they evaluate and agree on what knowledge, skills, and process abilities the individual or workgroup needs to develop
    5. When establishing a relationship where competency development is an objective, mentors or coaches arrange their responsibilities to ensure that the documented knowledge, skills, and process abilities are learned sufficiently to allow those being mentored to perform competency-based activities at the intended level of capability, imparted on a timely schedule, and demonstrated in performing business activities.
    6. The mentor provides feedback and guidance to those they mentor in a timely manner.
    7. The mentor and those they mentor continually discuss the job performance or behavior of the individual or workgroup, and plan for future development needs.

Mentors assist individuals or workgroups in developing capability in workforce competencies.

    1. Mentors maintain awareness of developments in the workforce competencies relevant to the individuals or workgroups they mentor.
    2. Mentors evaluate gaps between the current capability and the capability levels established in the mentoring objectives of the individuals or
      workgroups they mentor.
    3. Mentors assist individuals or workgroups in improving their capability relative to their mentoring objectives, individual development objectives, if appropriate, and workgroup development objectives, if appropriate.
    4. Mentors assist individuals or workgroups in adopting and improving their capability in using competency-based processes. 
    5. Mentors provide feedback to those they mentor on their capability and rate of development in workforce competencies and other skills relevant to their mentoring objectives.
    6. Mentors use competency-based assets in conducting their mentoring activities.
    7. Mentors assist those they mentor in learning how to leverage or benefit from competency-based assets in performing their business activities.
    8. When appropriate, mentors can assist individuals or workgroups in using and interpreting data during quantitative management activities.

Mentoring relationships are reviewed to ensure that they satisfy their intended objectives.

    1. The mentor and those they mentor review the progress they are making toward their agreed-upon objectives on a periodic or event-driven basis.
    2. When problems with mentoring relationships are identified, corrective action is taken to resolve the problem.
    3. The mentor and individual or workgroup can agree to discontinue their mentoring relationship at any time.

Mentors support the development and improvement of competency-based assets.

    1. Mentors identify opportunities to capture lessons from their mentoring activities that can be incorporated into developing or improving competency-based assets.
    2. Mentors contribute to the development or improvement of competency-based assets through mechanisms that are appropriate for the specific type of asset.

Mentors participate in performance management and related workforce activities, as appropriate.

    1. Mentors hold continuing discussions with the individuals or workgroups they coach on the performance of their work.
    2. For the individuals or workgroups they mentor, mentors may provide input for formal performance feedback, training and development needs, personal development plans, performance improvement plans, workgroup staffing and composition, decisions regarding adjustments to compensation, or decisions regarding promotion or career advancement.

The organization’s workforce practices support mentoring activities, as needed.

    1. Workforce practices are adjusted, as necessary, to achieve the objectives of the organization’s mentoring programs.
    2. Objectives of the mentoring relationship are confidential and should not be revealed without the agreement of the individual.
    3. Objectives and progress in their mentoring relationships are not used in performing any workforce activities without the agreement of the individuals affected.
    4. Mentors are recognized for successful mentoring activities.