











Task Instructions:

The committed work within a unit is analyzed to identify its process dependencies.

    1. Those responsible for the performance of a unit analyze its committed work to identify the dependencies required to accomplish it.
    2. The process dependencies within a unit’s committed work are documented.

Committed work is structured to optimize the coordination and performance of interdependent work within workgroups.

    1. Committed work is organized and allocated to workgroups to ensure each workgroup performs a defined collection of interdependent tasks, ensure no workgroup is assigned more work than it can accomplish, optimize the gathering of task dependencies within a workgroup, minimize task dependencies across workgroups, and ensure coordination of task dependencies with workgroups in other units
    2. Workgroups are organized to perform a defined collection of interdependent tasks.
    3. The committed work in a unit is periodically reevaluated to determine whether it continues to be allocated across workgroups in a way that optimizes the coordination and performance of interdependent work.

Each workgroup is formed to perform a defined set of business activities and to accomplish defined objectives.

    1. A responsible individual(s) organizes each workgroup to perform a set of defined business activities.
    2. Each workgroup is chartered to perform a documented set of business activities and to accomplish defined objectives.
    3. Each workgroup’s assigned business activities and objectives are periodically reviewed to ensure the activity of the workgroup remains aligned with its chartered business activities and objectives, the workgroup’s business activities and objectives remain aligned with the organization’s objectives, and corrective action is taken to address misalignments.

Methods and procedures for performing common workgroup functions are defined and maintained for use by workgroups.

    1. Methods, procedures, and tailoring guidelines for performing common workgroup functions are established and maintained.
    2. Information regarding defined workgroup methods and procedures is communicated and made available.
    3. Defined workgroup methods and procedures are periodically reviewed and revised to ensure the best workgroup practices continue to be propagated
      throughout the organization.

The competencies required to perform a workgroup’s business activities are identified.

    1. Before a workgroup is formed, the workforce competencies needed to perform the workgroup’s business activities are identified.
    2. The workforce competencies required to perform the workgroup’s business activities are documented and made available for use in staffing, performance management, training, and other workforce activities related to the workgroup.
    3. The workforce competencies included in a workgroup are reevaluated whenever the processes, technologies, products, or services associated with a workgroup are significantly redefined.

Staffing processes are performed to ensure that workgroups are staffed with individuals whose competencies match those needed to perform the workgroup’s business activities.

    1. Individuals to whom workgroups report incorporate workforce competency information into workgroup staffing processes.
    2. When appropriate, workgroup members are involved in recruiting candidates with appropriate workforce competencies for open positions.
    3. When appropriate, workgroup members are involved in executing a selection process for evaluating the competencies and other qualifications of candidates for open positions in the workgroup.
    4. When appropriate, workgroup members are involved in selection decisions.
    5. The workgroup is involved in orienting new members to the workgroup’s processes, commitments, and other members.

Workgroups tailor competency-based processes for performing their business activities.

    1. Workgroup members sharing a common workforce competency jointly analyze the workgroup’s assigned responsibilities to determine activities and results for which they will most likely be accountable, compare competency-based processes from their workforce competency to the activities and results for which they will most likely be accountable, select among the alternatives and tailor competency-based processes to best support the workgroup’s performance, document the competency-based processes to be used in supporting the workgroup’s performance and any tailoring required to make the processes more fit for use, and periodically review the tailored competency-based processes to ensure they continue to support workgroup performance and take corrective action where concerns are detected.
    2. When a workgroup is composed of members from different workforce competencies, they should review and agree on the competency-based processes being employed by members from each competency, and mutually define interfaces between their competency-based processes for coordinating work dependencies.
    3. The workgroup documents its operating processes which include the competency-based processes tailored by members of the workgroup from their workforce competencies, mutually defined interfaces between competency-based processes, and choices among common workgroup methods and procedures defined by the organization for performing common workgroup functions.

Roles for performing the workgroup’s operating processes are defined and allocated to individuals.

    1. The roles necessary to perform the tailored competency-based processes or common workgroup methods and procedures required to accomplish a workgroup’s business activities are defined.
    2. Defined roles are tailored for use within the context of the workgroup’s business activities.
    3. A responsible individual(s) allocates roles among members of the workgroup.
    4. Each workgroup member’s assignment is documented as the combination of roles allocated to them.
    5. A responsible individual(s) periodically analyze the performance of workgroups to ensure that no individual is overloaded with roles.
    6. A responsible individual(s) periodically analyze the performance of workgroups to ensure defined roles are not overloaded with tasks.

Workgroup activities and commitments are planned.

    1. Workgroups plan how they will accomplish the business activities assigned to them.
    2. Members of the workgroup agree to their individual commitments to the workgroup, and the workgroup’s commitments to other workgroups, its own unit, or other entities in the organization, and changes to individual or workgroup commitments.
    3. A workgroup’s plan is reviewed to ensure it satisfies the responsibilities assigned to the workgroup, the commitments are achievable, the workgroup’s dependencies with other entities in the organization are
      coordinated, workloads are balanced across the workgroup, and no individual’s performance commitments to the workgroup are in jeopardy because of work commitments to other workgroups or organizational entities.
    4. Workgroup plans are documented.

Workgroup members establish mechanisms for communicating information and coordinating dependencies among roles.

    1. Workgroup members identify the dependencies among their role responsibilities.
    2. Workgroup members agree on how they will coordinate work processes and products to satisfy their dependencies, and these agreements are documented
      during such activities as the tailoring of competency-based or common workgroup methods and procedures to create the workgroup’s operating processes, workgroup planning, or the definition and allocation of roles.
    3. When subsets of workgroup members are using different competency-based processes, they define interfaces between roles in different competencies to
      ensure the coordination necessary for meeting the workgroup’s performance objectives.
    4. Workgroups define methods for coordinating the flow of information required by the workgroup’s operating processes and role responsibilities.
    5. Workgroups determine the frequency with which meetings are needed to share information, maintain coordination, and track status.
    6. Workgroup members ensure they have a common understanding of the terms and representations they use in communicating.
    7. Workgroup members coordinate with each other to ensure that gaps or other problems in their workgroup’s operating processes are handled.
    8. Workgroups periodically review performance to identify and correct problems such as breakdowns in communication and coordination of dependencies, breakdowns, gaps, or inefficiencies in defined processes, overloaded role responsibilities, or workload imbalances across individuals.

Skills needed to perform jointly as a workgroup using the workgroup’s operating processes are developed.

    1. As the workgroup is initiated, a responsible individual identifies any needs for training and development, based on individual workgroup members’ capability to perform the workgroup’s operating processes, or the specific tailoring of competency-based or common workgroup methods and procedures for use within the workgroup as the workgroup’s operating processes, and the roles that individuals have been assigned to fulfill.
    2. A responsible individual analyzes the workgroup’s performance to determine its development needs.
    3. Working with a responsible individual, the workgroup documents a plan for its development activities that includes development objectives for the workgroup, specific development actions to achieve these objectives, the schedule for performing the unit’s Workgroup Development activities, and development activities that support the organization’s strategic workforce plan.
    4. The workgroup performs its development activities.
    5. A responsible individual(s) reviews the accomplishment of the workgroup’s development activities and the impact of these development activities on workgroup behavior and performance, documents completed development activities, and recommends corrective action when development activities do not achieve their intended objectives.

Workgroups that share dependencies define interfaces through which their activities and commitments are coordinated.

    1. Workgroups identify the dependencies they share with other workgroups or organizational entities.
    2. Dependent workgroups or their representatives interact to plan activities that satisfy their dependencies, review and agree to their mutual commitments, raise and resolve issues in their work, coordinate their activities as necessary, jointly monitor progress toward satisfying dependencies, take corrective action as necessary when dependencies are in jeopardy, and improve conditions and processes that affect their mutual work.
    3. Problems or issues that cannot be resolved among dependent workgroups are handled according to a documented procedure.

A responsible individual(s) tracks and manages workgroup performance.

    1. The workgroup establishes performance objectives with the manager or supervisor to whom it reports.
    2. Responsible individuals ensure that each individual’s performance objectives are aligned with the performance objectives of the workgroup, personal development plans do not conflict with the performance objectives of the workgroup, and the workgroup’s performance objectives are aligned with those of other workgroups or organizational entities with which it shares dependencies.
    3. The individual to whom the workgroup reports maintains an awareness of its performance.
    4. The individual to whom the workgroup reports maintains ongoing communication with the workgroup about its performance.
    5. A responsible individual(s) facilitates the workgroup in evaluating the individual and collective performance of its members.
    6. When workgroups share work dependencies, their mutual performance is tracked and managed by an individual(s) with responsibility for their collective performance.
    7. Responsible individuals ensure that workgroups have the information they need to perform their committed work.
    8. The individual to whom the workgroup reports periodically provides formal feedback to the workgroup about its performance according to a documented procedure.
    9. The individual to whom the workgroup reports works with the workgroup to discuss and resolve problems.
    10. When problems occur in workgroup performance, a responsible individual works with the workgroup to accurately describe the performance problem, identify the causes of the performance problem, decide on corrective action, manage individual performance problems that contribute to problems in workgroup performance, track the workgroup’s implementation of corrective action, provide continuing feedback on progress in correcting the performance problem, and take further actions if workgroup performance does not improve.
    11. Outstanding workgroup performance is recognized or rewarded.
    12. Adjustments to each individual’s compensation are based, in part, on their contribution to workgroup performance.

Workgroups are disbanded through an orderly performance of workforce activities.

    1. Workgroups are made aware of the conditions under which their business activities are deemed to be complete.
    2. A responsible individual discusses future assignments with each member of a disbanding workgroup.
    3. When possible, future assignments are determined before a workgroup is disbanded.
    4. Decisions about future assignments incorporate inputs concerning personal development plans, competency development needs and activities, career development issues, competency needs of other workgroups or organizational entities, transfer of knowledge, skills, or process abilities to other individuals or workgroups in the organization, and the strategic workforce plan.
    5. Transition among assignments is planned to minimize disruption to individual’s competency and career development activities.
    6. A responsible individual reviews workgroup performance with the members of the workgroup.
    7. Performance management activities are completed before members separate from a disbanding workgroup.
    8. Orientation activities are planned and conducted to prepare members of disbanding workgroups for their new assignments.

When workgroups disband, their assets are captured for redeployment.

    1. Prior to the completion of the workgroup’s business activities, a responsible individual(s) works with the workgroup to plan the process for disbanding the workgroup, capture and archive lessons learned about products, processes, or workforce practices, prepare and archive appropriate work products.
    2. The residual assets of the workgroup’s activities are disposed of appropriately through such means as being delivered to internal or external customers, deployed to other workgroups, returned to original owners, archived for future use or reference, or securely destroyed.