Welcome to your Project Time Management

As the project manager for the DFK Project, you are reviewing your project’s network diagram (as shown in the following illustration): Given the diagram, what is the relationship between tasks F and G?

You are the project manager for the LLL Project. Steven, a project team member, is confused about network diagrams. Specifically, he wants to know what the critical path is in a network diagram. Your answer is which one of the following?

Which of the following is not an output from the activity duration estimating process?

Bertha is the project manager for the HAR Project. The project is behind schedule and Bertha has elected, with management’s approval, to crash the critical path. This process adds more what? (Choose the best answer.)

You are the project manager for your organization. You and your project team are in conflict on the amount of time allotted to complete certain activities. Several of the team members are wanting to bloat the time associated with activities to ensure they will have enough time to complete their tasks should something go awry. The law of economics that these tasks may suffer from is which one of the following?

You are the project manager for your organization. You and your project team are in conflict on the amount time allotted to complete certain activities. Several of the team members are wanting to bloat the time associated with activities to ensure they will have enough time to complete their tasks should something go awry. Instead of overestimating their project activities, the project team should use which of the following?

You are the project manager for a construction project. Your foreman informs you that, due to the humidity, the concrete will need to cure for an additional 24 hours before the framing can begin. To accommodate the requirement, you add _______________ time to the framing activity.

You are the project manager for the 987 Project. Should this project run over schedule, it will cost your organization $35,000 per day in lost sales. With four months to completion, you realize the project is running late. You decide, with management’s approval, to change the relationship between several of the work packages so they begin in tandem rather than sequentially. This is an example of which one of the following?

Where is a project manager most likely to experience a subnet?

You are the project manager for the POL Project. This project will use PERT to calculate the estimates for activity duration. For activity D, you have the following information: P=9, O=4, M=5. What is the result of PERT?

Chris, a project manager for his company, is explaining the difference between a Gantt chart and a milestone chart. Which of the following best describes a Gantt chart?

A heuristic is a ________________________?

You are the project manager for a new training program at your customer’s site. This program will require each of the customer’s employees to attend the half-day class and complete an assessment exam. You will be completing the training at the customer’s facility, and will need a trainer for the duration of the training, which is six months. This is an example of which of the following?

Bertha is the project manager for the HAR Project. The project is behind schedule and Bertha has elected, with management’s approval, to fast track the critical path. This process adds more what? (Choose the best answer.)

You are the project manager of the JHG Project. This project has 32 stakeholders and will require implementation activities in North and South America. You have been requested to provide a duration estimate for the project. Of the following, which will offer the best level of detail in your estimate?

You are the project manager for the MNB Project. You and your project team are about to enter into the activity duration estimating process. Which of the following will not be helpful in your meeting?

You are the project manager for a construction company. Your firm has been contracted to complete the drilling of a well for a new cabin in Arkansas. The specification of the well is documented, but your company has little experience in well drilling in Arkansas. The stakeholder is concerned your time estimates are not accurate as the soil and rock in Arkansas are much different than the soil in your home state. Which one of the following can you use to ensure your project estimates are accurate?

What is the difference between PDM and ADM?

Michael is the project manager of the 78GH Project. This project requires several members of the project team to complete a certification class for another project the week of November 2. This class causes some of the project activities on Michael’s activities to be delayed from his target schedule. This is an example of which of the following?

Which of the following is a correct attribute of the critical path?

You are the project manager for the YKL Project. This project will impact several lines of business at completion. Each milestone in the project is scheduled to end so the work does not impact current business cycles. This is an example of which one of the following?

You are the project manager for a project with the following network diagram. Studying the diagram, which path is the critical path?

Which of the following best describes GERT?

You are the project manager for the 987 Project. Should this project run over schedule, it will cost your organization $35,000 per day in lost sales. With four months to completion, you realize the project is running late. You decide, with management’s approval, to add more project team members to the project plan to complete the work on time. This is an example of which of the following?

The purpose of using GERT is which of the following?