Welcome to your Practice Exam

You have just been assigned as project manager for a large telecommunications project. This one-year project is about halfway done. The project team consists of five sellers and twenty of your company’s employees. You want to understand who is responsible for doing what on the project. Where would you find such information?

You have been working on a very large software development project that has made use of over 230 people. Finally, all the scope of work is completed. It would be BEST to?

A heuristic is best described as a:

The MAIN purpose of writing a user story is:

If project time and cost are not as important as the number of resources used each month, which of the following is the BEST thing to do?

From the project perspective, quality attributes:

Negotiations between two parties are becoming complex, so party A makes some notes that both parties sign. However, when the work is being done, party B claims that they are not required to provide an item they both agreed to during negotiations because it was not included in the subsequent contract. In this case, party B is:

Which of the following is an advantage of centralized contracting?

Your employee is three days late with a report. She handed you the report five minutes before the meeting, where the report's topic was to be discussed. You notice some severe errors in it. What should you do?

Communications are often enhanced when the sender ____ the receiver.

The project is calculated to be completed four days after the desired completion date. You do not have access to additional resources. The project is low risk, the benefit-cost ratio is expected to be 1.6, and the dependencies are preferential. Under these circumstances, what would be the BEST thing to do?

During project planning in a matrix organization, the project manager determines that additional human resources are needed. From whom would he request these resources?

A project team has completed all the technical project deliverables, and the customer has accepted the deliverables. However, the lessons learned required by the project office have not been finalized. What is the status of the project?

A seller is awarded a contract to build a pipeline. The contract terms and conditions require that a work plan be issued for the buyer’s approval prior to commencing work, but the seller fails to provide one. Which of the following is the BEST thing for the buyer’s project manager to do?

A project manager discovers a defect in a deliverable that is due to the customer under contact today. The project manager knows the customer does not have the technical understanding to notice the defect. The deliverable technically meets the contract requirements, but it does not meet the project manager’s fitness of use standard. What should the project manager do in this situation?

A new project manager has asked you for advice on creating a work breakdown structure. After you explain the process to them, they ask you what software they should use to create the WBS and what they should do with it when it is completed. You might respond that it is not the picture that is the most valuable result of creating a WBS. The most valuable result of a WBS is:

A project manager for a small construction company has a project that was budgeted for $130,000 over a six-week period. According to her schedule, the project should have cost $60,000 to date. However, it has cost $90,000 to date. The project is also behind schedule because the original estimates were not accurate. Who has the PRIMARY responsibility to solve this problem?

You are the project manager for a new international project, and your project team includes people from four countries. Most team members have not worked on similar projects before, but the project has strong support from senior management. What is the BEST thing to do to ensure cultural differences do not interfere with the project?

You are a project manager on a $5,000,000 software development project. While working with your project team to develop a network diagram, you notice a series of activities that can be worked in parallel but must finish in a specific sequence. What type of activity sequencing method is required for these activities?

The program was planned years ago, before there was a massive introduction of new technology. While planning the next project in this program, the project manager has expanded the scope management plan because, as a project becomes more complex, the level of uncertainty in the scope:

You are managing a project in a just-in-time environment. This will require more attention because the amount of inventory in such an environment is generally:

At the end of a project, a project manager determines that the project has added four areas of functionality and three areas of performance. The customer has expressed satisfaction with the project. What does this mean in terms of the success of the project?

The team has provided the project manager with activity duration estimates. If the project manager is about to start schedule development, which of the following is the MOST important item the project manager needs to adequately develop a schedule?

A seller is working on a cost-reimbursable contract when the buyer decides he would like to expand the scope of services and change to a fixed-price contract. All of the following are the seller’s options EXCEPT:

A new project manager is being mentored by a more experienced project manager. The new project manager is having difficulty finding enough time to manage the project because the project scope is being progressively elaborated. The experienced project manager advises that the basic tools for project management, such as a work breakdown structure, can be used during project executing to assist the project manager. For which of the following can the work breakdown structure be used?

A large, one-year telecommunications project is about halfway done when you take the place of the previous project manager. The project involves three different sellers and a project team of 30 people. You would like to see the project's communications requirements and what technology is being used to aid in project communications. Where will you find this information?

Which type of organization is BEST for managing complex projects involving cross-disciplinary efforts?

The MOST likely result of communication blockers is that:

You are working on a large construction project that is progressing within the baseline. Resource usage has remained steady, and your boss has just awarded you a prize for your performance. One of your team members returns from a meeting and tells you the customer said they are not happy with the project's progress. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

You are asked to select tools and techniques to implement a quality assurance program to supplement existing quality control activities. Which of the following would you choose?

Which of the following is an output of the Collect Requirements process?

A seller has withdrawn from the project. A new seller has been selected, and their labor forces will be arriving at the job site tomorrow. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

Based on the following, if you needed to shorten the duration of the project, what task would you try to shorten?

During planning, you estimate the time needed for each task and then add the estimates to create the project estimate. You commit to completing the project by this date. What is WRONG with this scenario?

What is the duration of a milestone?

The project team is arguing about the prospective sellers who have submitted proposals. One team member for a certain seller, while another team member wants the project to be awarded to a different seller. The BEST thing the project manager should remind the team to focus on in order to make a selection is?

A team member from research and development tells you that her work is too creative to provide you with a fixed single estimate for the task. You both decide to use the average time the task has taken from past projects to predict the future. This is an example of which of the following?

The primary objective of contract negotiations is to:

All of the following Must be present to have a contract EXCEPT:

Which estimating method uses a one-time estimate for each task?

A company is taking a vote to see if the contacts department should be split up and reassigned to projects or remain intact. A contract professional might not want this split to occur because they would lose _______ in a decentralized contracting environment.

During planning, a project manager discovers that part of the scope of work is undefined. What should the project manager do?

The new software installation project is in progress. The project manager is working with the quality assurance department to improve everyone’s confidence that the project will satisfy the quality standards. Which of the following MUST they have before they start this process?

A manager has been given responsibility for a project with a senior manager's support. From the beginning, you disagreed with the manager regarding how the project should proceed and the deliverables. They and you have disagreed over many issues in the past. Your department has been tasked with providing some critical tasks for the project. What should you do?

Formal written correspondence with the customer is required when:

Contract closeout is different than administrative closure in that contract closeout:

Your project plan results in a project schedule that is too long. If the project network diagram cannot change but you have extra personnel resources, what is the BEST thing to do?

A project manager has very little project experience but they have been assigned as the project manager of a new project. Because he will be working in a matrix organization to complete his project, he can expect communications to be:

A project manager is trying to coordinate all the tasks on the project and has determined the following: Task 1 can start immediately and has an estimated duration of one week. Task 2 can start after task 1 is completed and has an estimated duration of four weeks. Task 3 can start after task 2 is completed and has an estimated duration of five weeks. Task 4 can start after task 1 is completed and must be completed when task 3 is completed. Its estimated duration is eight weeks. What is the duration of the critical path for this project?

A task has an early start on day three, a late start on day thirteen, an early finish on day nine, and a late finish on day nineteen. The task:

A team is using a fishbone diagram to help determine what quality standards will be used on the project. What part of the quality management process are they in?

Which of the following is the BEST thing for a project manager to do in the solicitation phase of procurement management?

The slack of a task is determined by

A routine audit of a cost-reimbursable contract determines that overcharges are being made to the contract. If the contract does not specify corrective action, the buyer should:

A project manager may use _________ to make sure the team clearly knows what work is included in each of their tasks.

Lag means

The project team has created a plan describing how they will implement the quality policy. It addresses the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, and other information about plans for quality. If this changes during the project, WHICH of the following plans will also change?

Management has promised you part of the incentive fee from the customer if you complete the project early. Later, while finalizing a major deliverable, your team informs you that the deliverable meets the requirements in the contract but will not provide the functionality the customer needs. If the deliverable is late, the project will not be completed early. What action should you take?

A control chart helps the project manager:

While testing the strength of concrete poured on your project, you discover that over 35% of the concrete does not meet your company’s quality standards. You feel sure the concrete will function as it is, and you don’t think it needs to meet the specified quality level. What should you do?

You are a project manager for a new product development project that has four levels in the work breakdown structure and has been sequenced using the arrow diagramming technique. The duration estimates have been compressed, and a schedule has been created. What time management activity would you do NEXT?

One of the main advantages of the matrix organization is:

The construction phase of a new software product is near completion. The next phase is testing and implementation. The project is two weeks ahead of schedule. What should the project manager be MOST concerned with before moving on to the final phase?

The work breakdown structure can BEST be thought of as an effective aid for _________ communications.

What percentage of the total distribution is 3 sigma from the mean equal to?

During the completion of project work, the sponsor asks the project manager to report on how the project is going. In order to prepare the report, the project manager asks all the team members what percent complete their work is. There is one team member who has been hard to manage from the beginning. In response to being asked what percent complete he is, the team member asks, "Percent complete of what?" Being tired of such comments, the project manager reports to the team member's boss that the team member is not cooperating. Which of the following is MOST likely the real problem?

During every project team meeting, the project manager asks each team member to describe the work they are doing, and the project manager assigns new tasks to team members. The length of these meetings has increased because there are many different tasks to assign. This could be happening for all the following reasons EXCEPT:

A project manager is trying to coordinate all the tasks on the project and has determined the following: Task 1 can start immediately and has an estimated duration of one week. Task 2 can start after task 1 is completed and has an estimated duration of four weeks. Task 3 can start after task 2 is completed and has an estimated duration of five weeks. Task 4 can start after task 1 is completed and must be completed when task 3 is completed. Its estimated duration is ten weeks; what is the duration of the critical path?

A project is facing a major change to its project deliverables. If the project manager is involved in determining which quality standards are relevant to the change, the project manager must be involved in:

A project manager has a problem with a team member's performance. What is BEST form of communication for addressing this problem?

Who has the MOST power in a projectized organization?

Which of the following can create the MOST misinterpretation of the project scope statement?

To manage a project effectively, work should be broken down into small pieces. Which of the following does NOT describe how far to decompose the work?

All the following are not examples of quality assurance EXCEPT?

During which life cycle phase is the detailed project budget created?

A team member is visiting the manufacturing plant of one of the suppliers. Which of the following is the MOST important thing to be done in any telephone calls the project manager might make to the team member?

A project has three critical paths. Which of the following BEST describes how this affects the project?

A project team member comes to the project manager during project execution to tell them that they feel the project cannot meet its quality standards. The project manager calls a meeting of the affected stakeholders to work through the problem. Which step of the quality management process is the project manager in?

When would a milestone chart be used instead of a Gantt chart

A project is in the middle of project execution when a stakeholder suggests a major new change. This change will cause the third major overhaul of the project. At the same time, the project manager discovers that a major task was not completed because a team member’s boss moved them to another project that had a higher priority. Which of the following is the best person for the project manager to address these issues with?

Which of the following BEST describes the results of an increase in quality?

A project manager is attending his first bidders’ conference and asked you for advice on what to do during the session. Which of the following is the BEST advice you can give him?

An obstacle to team building in a matrix organization is that the:

An activity-on-node diagram is different from an activity-on-arrow diagram because an activity-on-node diagram:

The project charter is created during which life cycle phase?

The engineering department wants the project objective to be a 10% improvement in throughput. The information technology department wants no more than 5% of its resources to be used on the project. Management, who is also your boss, wants the project team to decrease tax liability. The BEST thing you can do is:?

Contract closeout is similar to administrative closure in that they both involve:

Extensive use of ___ communication is most likely to aid in solving complex problems.

A project manager had a complex problem to solve and made a decision about what needed to be done. A few months later, the problem resurfaced. Most likely what did the project manager not do?

A project manager has been overwhelmed with problems on this project. He would like to identify the root cause of the problem in order to determine where to focus his attention. Which of the following tools would be BEST for the project manager to use?

Quality is:

A project manager has a project team consisting of people in four countries. The project is very important to the company, and the project manager is concerned about its success. The length of the project schedule is acceptable. What type of communications method should he/she use?

To complete work on your project, you have been provided confidential information from all your clients. A university contacts you to help it in its research. Such assistance would require you to provide the university with some of the client data from your files. What should you do?

The “halo effect” refers to the tendency to:

How is a project expeditor different from a project coordinator?

What is one of the KEY objectives during negotiations?

Which of the following are GENERALLY illustrated BETTER by bar charts than network diagrams?

A work breakdown structure numbering system allows project staff to:

You provide a project cost estimate of the project to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15% off the project estimate. What should you do?

You are a project manager on a $5,000,000 software development project. While working with the project team to develop a network diagram, your data architects suggest that quality could be improved if the data model is approved by senior management before moving on to other design elements. They support this suggestion with an article from a leading software development journal. Which of the following BEST describes what this type of input is called?

If the optimistic estimate for a task is 12 days, and the pessimistic is 18 days, what is the most likely estimate?

Your employee is three days late with a report. She walks into a meeting where the report will be discussed and hands you a copy five minutes before discussing the topic. You notice some severe errors in the report. How could this have been prevented?

When checking a team member's calendar to schedule a meeting, you see she has scheduled a meeting with a key stakeholder that you were not informed of. The BEST approach would be to:

A project team has members in five different locations with varying information systems. The project manager works with the project team to determine how stakeholders should be managed. Theses methods are detailed in which document?

A project has several teams. Team C has repeatedly missed deadlines in the past. This has caused Team D to have to crash the critical path several times. As the project leader for Team D, you should meet with the following:

During project execution, a major problem occurred that was not included in the risk response plan. What should you do FIRST?

What does a responsibility Gantt chart show that a responsibility matrix does not?

You have just been assigned as project manager for a large manufacturing project. This one-year project is about halfway done. It involves five different sellers and twenty members of your company on the project team. You want to quickly review where the project stands. Which of the following reports would be the MOST helpful in finding such information?

Which of the following is a KEY attribute of scope verification?

Which of the following is CORRECT?

Communication is the key to the success of a project. As the project manager, you have three stakeholders with whom you need to communicate. As such, you have six channels of communication. A new stakeholder has been added that you also need to communicate with. How many communications channels do you have now?

A project manager uses a cause-and-effect diagram with the team to determine how various factors might be linked to potential problems. In which step of the quality management process is the project manager involved?

The cost performance index (CPI) on the project is 1.13, and the benefit cost ratio is 1.2. The project scope was created by the team and stakeholders. Requirements on the project have been changing throughout the project, no matter what the project manager has tried to accomplish in managing the project, which of the following is the project manager MOST likely to face in the future?

You are working on your research and development project when your customer asks you to include a particular component in the project. You know this represents new work, and you do not have excess funds available. What should you do?

All of the following are examples of the cost of nonconformance EXCEPT?

You have been assigned to take over managing a project that should be half-complete according to the schedule. After an extensive evaluation, you discover that the project is running bar behind schedule and will probably take double the time initially estimated by the previous project manager. However, upper management has been told that the project is on schedule. What is the BEST course of action?

Bidders’ conferences are part of:

Which of the following activities occurs during procurement planning?

Which of the following is the BEST thing to do to try to complete a project two days earlier?

A project manager is trying to complete a software development project but cannot get enough attention for the project. Resources are focused on completing process-related work and the project manager has little authority to properly assign resources. What form the organization must the project manager be working in?

Your project, performed under a cost-reimbursable contract, has finally entered closeout. What must the buyer remember to do?

Communications under a contract should tend toward:

Which of the following conflict resolution techniques will generate the MOST lasting solution?

As the project manager, you are preparing your methods for quality management. In your project management system, you are looking for a method that can demonstrate the relationship between events and their resulting effects. You want to use a method to depict the events that cause a negative effect on quality. Which of the following is the BEST choice for accomplishing your objective?

Project information has been distributed according to the communication plan. Some project deliverables have been changed. Those changes were made according to the change control plan. One stakeholder expressed surprise to the project manager upon being informed of a previously published change to the project deliverable. All stakeholders received the communications containing notification of the change. What should the project manager do?

The development of the scope baseline can BEST be described as involving:

All of the following are parts of the scope baseline EXCEPT the:

All of the following are part of administrative closure EXCEPT?

Validate Scope is closely related to:

Which of the following is CORRECT in regard to the Control Scope process?

The project manager is having difficulty keeping a project schedule on track. The project is 13 months long and requires 220 people to complete. All project problems have been fixed to the project manager’s satisfaction. The SPI is currently 0.67, the CPI is 1.26, there are 23 tasks on the critical path, and the project PERT duration is 26. Under these circumstances, the monthly status report should say that the project:

Conflict resolution techniques that may be used on a project include confronting, smoothing, forcing and:

You are a project manager for a major information system project when someone from the quality department comes to see you about beginning a quality audit of your project. The team, already under pressure to complete the project as soon as possible, objects to the audit. You should explain to the team that the purpose of the quality audit is:

Which of the following BEST describes product analysis?

Management tells a project manager to subcontract part of the project to a company that management has worked with many times. Under these circumstances, the project manager should be MOST concerned about:

When a product or service completely meets a customer’s requirements:

Your project has just been fast-tracked, and you are looking to bring in a subcontractor quickly. There is no tie to issuing an RFP, so you choose to use a company you have used many times before. A PRIMARY concern in this situation is:

Who is ultimately responsible for quality management in the project?

During a team meeting, the team adds a specific area of extra work to the project because they have determined it would benefit the customer. What is wrong in this situation?

The person who should be in control of the project during project planning is the:

A team member is not performing well on the project because they are inexperienced in system development work. There is no one else available who is better qualified to do the work. What is the BEST solution for the project manager?

The project you are working on has an increase in cost-effectiveness, productivity, and morale. What might be the reason for these changes?

Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between standard deviation and risk?

Near the end of your last project, additional requirements were demanded by a group of stakeholders when they learned they would be affected by your project. This became a problem because you had not included the time or cost in the project plan to perform these requirements. What is the BEST thing you can do to prevent such a problem on future projects?

The estimate for a task is O = 3 days, P =7 days, M = 4 days. What is the standard deviation for these tasks?

A dependency that requires that the design be completed before manufacturing can start is an example of:

You are in the middle of a major new facility construction project. The structural steel is in place, and the heating conduits are going into place when senior management informs you that he is worried that the project will not meet the quality standards. What should you do in this situation?

A project manager for the seller is told by their manager that the project should do whatever possible to be awarded incentive money. The primary objective of incentive clauses in a contract is to:

Pareto diagrams help the project manager:

A project manager is in the middle of the executing phase of a very large construction project when he discovers that the time needed to complete the project is longer than the time available. What is the BEST thing to do?

The MOST common causes of conflict on a project are schedules, project priorities, and:

A project has a tight budget when you begin negotiating with a seller for a piece of equipment. The seller has told you that the equipment price is fixed. Your manager has told you to negotiate the cost with the seller. What is the BEST course of action?

Halfway through a large, one-year project, you take the place of the previous project manager. The project involves four different sellers and a project team of 40 people. Where will you find information regarding the project's communications requirements and what technology is being used to aid in project communications?

All of the following are forms of power derived from the project manager’s position EXCEPT:

When should scope verification be done?

The highest point of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is called:

All the following statements about change control are incorrect EXCEPT?

The project team is arguing about the prospective sellers who have submitted proposals. One team member is arguing in support of one seller, while another team member wants the project awarded to a different seller. What step of the procurement process is the team in?

You are in the middle of a complex negotiation when the other party says, “We need to finish in one hour because I have to catch my plan.” Which of the following negotiation strategies are they using?

Your organization is having a difficult time managing all of its projects. You have been asked to help senior management understand this. Which of the following types of reports would help provide summary information to senior management?

Which of the following includes asking team members about the time estimates for their tasks and developing agreement on the calendar data for each task?

A project is not completed until?

Your company has an emergency and needs contracted work done as soon as possible. Under these circumstances, which of the following would be the MOST helpful to add to the contact?

A project manager has just reached the end of the project. Which of the following documents will the project manager need for closure of the project?

The project status meeting is not going well. Everyone is talking at the same time, there are people who are not participating and many topics are discussed at random. Which of the following rules for effective meetings is NOT being adhered to?

Testing the entire population would:

Your program manager has come to you, the project manager, for help with a bid for her newest project. You want to protect your company from financial risk. You have a limited scope definition. What is the BEST type of contract to choose?

Matrix environment. None of your project team members report to you functionally, and you do not have the ability to reward their performance directly. The project is difficult, involving tight date constraints and challenging quality standards. Which of the following types of project management power will likely be the MOST effective in this circumstance?

A project manager is using weighted average duration estimates to calculate activity duration. Which type of mathematical analysis is being used?

The software development project is not going well. There are over 30 stakeholders, and no one can agree on the project objectives. One stakeholder believes the project can achieve a 30% improvement, while another believes a 50% improvement is possible. The project manager thinks a 10% improvement is more realistic. What is the BEST course of action:

Two people are arguing about what needs to be done to complete a task. If the project manager wants to know what is going on, she should pay MOST attention to:

If the optimistic estimate for a task is 12 days, and the pessimistic is 18 days, what is the standard deviation of the task?

When a project manager is engaged in negotiations, nonverbal communication skills are of:

A project team member is talking to another team member and complaining that so many people are asking him to do things. If he works in a functional organization, who has the power to give direction to the team member?

During activity definition, a team member identifies an activity that needs to be accomplished. However, another team member believes that the activity is not part of the project as interpreted by the project charter. What is the BEST thing for the project manager to do?

A project manager is trying to settle a dispute between two team members. One says the systems should be integrated before testing, and the other maintains each system should be tested before integration. The project involves over thirty people, and twelve systems need to be integrated. Senior management is demanding that integration happen on time. What is the BEST statement the project manager can make to resolve the conflict?

In planning your project, which would generally have the highest priority: quality, cost, or schedule?

The project manager and project sponsor are discussing the project costs and whether it is better to have their own company do part of the project or hire another company to do the work. If they asked for your opinion, you might say it would be better to do the work yourself IF?

What conflict resolution techniques is a project manager using when he says, “I cannot deal with this issue now!”

A project manager and team from a firm that designs railroad equipment are tasked to design a machine to load stone onto railroad cars. The design allows for 2% spillage, amounting to over two tons of spilled rock per day. In which of the following does the project manager document quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvements for the project?

All of the following statements concerning bid documentation are incorrect EXCEPT?

A detailed project schedule can be created only after creating the:

A project manager takes over a project from another project manager while the project is being planned. If the new project manager wants to see what the previous project manager planned for managing changes to the schedule, it would be BEST to look at:

All of the following are part of the team’s stakeholder management effort EXCEPT:

During a project team meeting, a team member suggests an enhancement to the scope of work that is beyond the scope of the project charter. The project manager points out that the team needs to concentrate on completing all the work and only the work required. This is an example of:

Once signed, a contract is legally binding unless:

The project team has just completed the initial project schedule and budget. The NEXT thing to do is:

A project manager has just taken over the project from another project manager during the executing phase. The previous project manager created a project budget, determined communications requirements, and went on to complete work packages. What should the new project manager do NEXT?

All of the following are characteristics of a project EXCEPT:

In attempting to complete the project faster, the project manager looks at the cost associated with crashing each task. The BEST approach to crashing would also include looking at the following:

For which of the following procurement processes is a make or buy analysis used?

You are managing a six-month project and have held bi-weekly meetings with your project stakeholders. After five-and-a-half months of work, the project is on schedule and within budget, but the stakeholders are not satisfied with the deliverables. This situation will delay the project completion by one month. The MOST important process that could have prevented this situation is:

Monte Carlo analysis is used to:

You have just started administering a contract when management decides to terminate the contract. What should you do FIRST?

Which of the following BEST describes the project manager’s role during the contracting process?

With which type of contact is the seller MOST concerned about project scope?

To what does the following sentence refer? “The concept of optimal quality level is reached at the point where the incremental revenue from the project improvement equals the incremental cost to secure it.”

To control the schedule, a project manager is reanalyzing the project to predict project duration. She does this by analyzing the sequence of activities with the least amount of scheduling flexibility. What technique is she using?

During a meeting with some of the project stakeholders, the project manager is asked to add work to the project scope. The project manager had access to correspondence about the project before the charter was signed and remembers that the project sponsor specifically denied funding for the scope of work mentioned by these stakeholders. The BEST thing for the project manager to do would be to:

The customer on a project tells the project manager he has run out of money to pay for the project. What should the project manager do FIRST?

The project is mostly complete. The project has a schedule variance of 300 and a cost variance of -900. All but one of the quality control inspections have been completed and all have met the quality requirements. All items in the issue log have been resolved. Many of the resources have been released. The sponsor is about to call a meeting to obtain product validation when the customer notifies the project manager that they want to make a major change to the scope. The project manager should:

You just discovered that a major subcontractor for your project concisely provides late deliverables. The subcontractor approaches you and asks you to accept late deliverables in exchange for decreased project costs. This offer is an example of?

You are the project manager for a large project under contract with the government. The contract for this two-year, multi-million dollar project was signed six months ago. You were not involved in contract negotiations or setting up procedures for managing changes, but now you are swamped with changes from the customers and people inside your organization. Who is normally responsible for formally reviewing major changes to the project/contract?

All of the following are examples of a variable EXCEPT?

Our management has always asked you to cut your project estimate by 10% after you have given it to them. The scope of your new project is unclear, and there are over 30 stakeholders. Management expects a 25% reduction in downtime due to the project. Which of the following is the BEST course of action in this situation?

A project manager has just found out that a major subcontractor for their project is consistently late delivering work. The project team member responsible for this part of the project does not get along with the subcontractor. To resolve the problem, the project manager says, “You both will have to give up something to solve this problem.” What conflict resolution mode are they using?

In a cost-plus fixed fee contract, how can the fee change?

An Ishikawa diagram helps to:

Standard deviation is a measure of how:

The WBS, estimates for each work package and network diagram are completed. Which of the following would be the NEXT thing for the project manager to do?

Which of the following is the BEST project management tool to use to determine the longest time the project will take?

A major negotiation with a potential subcontractor is scheduled for tomorrow when you discover there is a good chance the project will be canceled. What should you do?

Your management has decided that all orders will be treated as “projects” and that the project manager will update orders daily, resolve issues, and ensure that the customer formally accepts the product within 30 days of completion. The revenue from the individual orders can vary from $100 to $150,000. The project manager will not be required to perform planning or provide documentation other than daily status. How would you define this situation?

During what part of the project management process is the project scope statement created?

You have just joined the project management office after five years of working on projects. One of the things you want to introduce to your company is the value of creating and utilizing work breakdown structures. Some of the project managers are angry that you are asking them to do “extra work.” Which of the following would be the BEST thing you could tell the project managers to convince them to use work breakdown structures?

You are in the middle of a project when you discover that a software seller for your project is having major difficulty keeping employees due to a labor dispute. Many other projects in your company are using the company’s services. What should you do?

A project manager is in the middle of creating an RFP. What step of the procurement process is he in?

The project status report is an example of which form of communication?

A large, complex construction project in a foreign county requires coordination to move equipment through crowded city streets. To ensure the equipment is transported successfully, your contact in that county informs you that you will have to pay the local police a fee for coordinating traffic. What should you do?

In a projectized organization, the project team!

You are in the middle of a new product development for your publicly traded company when you discover that the previous project manager made a $3,000,000 payment not approved under your company policies. Luckily, the project CPI is 1.2. What should you do?

Instructions for the construction of the concrete footings were poorly translated between the different languages in use on the project. Which of the following is the BEST thing for the project manager to do?

During what step in the procurement process does contact negotiation occur?

All of the following are typical concerns of matrixed team member EXCEPT:

One of the stakeholders on the project contacts the project manager to discuss some additional scope they would like to add to the project. The project manager asks for details in writing and then works through the Control Scope process. What should the project manager do NEXT when the evaluation of the requested scope is complete?

A scope change has been suggested by one of the stakeholders on the project. After careful consideration and a lot of arguing, the change control board has decided to reject the change. What should the project manager do?

You have a project with the following task: task A takes 40 hours and can start after the project starts. Task B takes 25 hours and should happen after the project starts. Task C must happen after task A and takes 35 hours. Task D must happen after tasks B and C and takes 30 hours. Task E must take place after task C and takes 10 hours. Task F takes place after task E and takes 22 hours. Which of the following is TRUE if task B actually takes 37 hours?

An advantage of a fixed price contract for the buyer is:

A control chart shows seven data points in a row on one side of the mean. What should be done?

A new product development project has four levels in the work breakdown structure and has been sequenced using the arrow diagramming method. The activity duration estimates have been received. What should be done NEXT?

You are a project manager for one of many projects in a significant program. At a high-level status meeting, you note that another project manager has reported her project on schedule. Looking back on your project over the last few weeks, you remember many deliverables from the other project that arrived late. What should you do?

During project execution, a team member comes to the project manager because he is not sure of what work he needs to accomplish on the project. Which of the following documents contain detailed descriptions of work packages?

A project manager has just been hired and is trying to gain the cooperation of others. What is the BEST form of power for gaining cooperation under these circumstances?

What of the following are the responsibilities of a project manager EXCEPT?

A project manager’s boss and the head of engineering discuss a change to a major task. After the meeting, the boss contacts the project manager and tells him to make the change. This is an example of:

An output of administrative closure is the creation of:

The work breakdown structure can be an effective aid for communication in which situation(s)?

All of the following are generally part of the contact documents EXCEPT?

With a clear scope of work, a seller completes work as specified, but the buyer is not pleased with the results. The contact is considered to be:

On their first project assignment as project manager, the project manager encounters disagreements among highly technical team members. How would the project manager BEST deal with the conflict?

In a fixed-price contract, the fee or profit is: