




Most change management methods include readiness assessments that identify potential challenges and points of resistance. Assessment results serve as proactive planning tools designed to target resistance and mitigate known risk from the onset. The combination of assessment about the size and scope of the change itself and assessments about organizational readiness reveal the overall risk of the change. Change impact assessments identify the transitions required from different areas of the organization and the unique challenges for specific groups. With this information, change managers can strategically develop special tactics to proactively build desire. Special tactics may address areas of potential resistance or offer tailored support to those most impacted.

Entrance Criteria:


Exit Criteria:


Process and Procedures:

  • <?>

Tailoring Guidelines:

  • None

Process Verification Record(s)

  • <?>
    • Stored By: <?>


  • <?>
    • Maintained By: <?>
    • Submitted By: <?>
    • Frequency of Submission: <?>


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